G. Pumpers this is your 18min targeted workout to the upper body for those beginners, returning to exercise or new mums getting back into exercise post birth 8-12 weeks.
You don't need any equipment just a volume control to turn up the dial on this playlist! You'll feel your strength and endurance build over time as you come back to this workout and you'll be into the rest of the on-demand library in no time! #LetsPump
Up Next in Target Areas
#GPump_Targeted Inner Thigh Workout
This floor based inner thigh workout is perfect for Beginners to Advanced that are looking to strengthen their inner thighs. As you develop your strength and flexibility over time, your inner thighs will assist with any other workout you put your mind to G. Pumpers! Time to turn those inner thigh...
#GPump_Dance Cardio Upper Body Workout
Do you want the high-energy of G. Pump, the fun of a Dance Cardio workout and the benefits of an arm workout? Well here you have it rolled into one!
This 20 minute upper body workout is so damn fun you'll forget about the sensation in your arms and be too busy singing along to these tunes! This ... -
#GPump_Targeted Tricep Workout
Grab a set of dumbbells and/or wrist weights, aim for a lighter weight and higher reps as your triceps will really start talking back to you in this one!
Short and sweet this targeted workout will allow you to build your strength, bop your head to the beat and forget you're even exercising!